Monthly Archives: May 2018

What’s My Why


What’s My Why?

Do you struggle with confidence? I can relate! When I was finally ready to follow my dream of doing my own thing, I found myself weighed down with doubt and overwhelm. I was stuck with where to start and how to move forward.

During my nine years as a private practice psychotherapist, I developed a model called Harvest Your Strengths. This approach has helped hundreds of my therapy clients heal, grow and thrive.

One day it occurred me, why not share what I’ve learned about using inner strengths with women who are stuck with how to make their dream a reality.


I believe that everything we need to thrive is rooted deeply within us. You can use your own inner resources and strengths to follow your dreams, build your confidence, increase your resilience, and become your best self.


Could you use some support? We all need guidance at one point or another

You can make your dreams happen despite the fear and doubt. You can develop tools to help you push through barriers and blocks. It’s definitely not easy– nothing worth doing is– but you can make it happen. It takes patience, conscious and consistent effort and, most importantly, self loving care. I’d love to help guide you on this journey.


If you’re ready to get laser focused on achieving your goals and dreams, let’s book some quality time together now. Warmly, Anita


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